Fishing Competition 2025

DATE:                        Saturday 8th March FISHING HOURS     0700-1600hrs   
RESERVE DAY         Sunday 9th MarchFISHING HOURS     0700-1400hrs
WEIGH IN                Saturday between 1500 to 1700hrs  Sunday 1300-1500hrs

Prizegiving will follow as soon as possible after weigh in closes on the day of the competition - hopefully by 1730 – 1800hrs

If the weather is deemed unsuitable on both days, the prizegiving will be held on the Sunday afternoon at 1400hrs and prizes will be decided by ballot – only one prize per entrant.

CATEGORIES        Snapper  -  Blue Cod  -  Gurnard  -  Terakihi  -  Groper  -  Kingfish  -  Tuna  -  Kahawai  -  Crayfish  -  Butterfish


Kids section – under 12 as at date of comp- in each category

Early Bird to 31 JanuaryPer angler$20-00

Per Child$10-00 

Family (Couple and children)$55-00
1 February to 8th MarchPer angler $30-00

Per Child$15-00

Family (Couple and children)


Entry Forms and Fees can be dropped off at the bar or office. Otherwise complete the form and email it to and pay entry fees via bank deposit to: 01-0546-0109200-000. Put FC followed by your vessel name as the reference..


Will be weight based, and we will have a weigh station set up on the day. All fish must be of a legal size.  

Photos on an approved measuring device will be acceptable for the following categories, using the measurement to weight calculator in the links



Blue Cod


  • Only ONE prize per angler in a species category
  • Angler prize for most weight of fish weighed
  • Boat prize for most weight of fish weighed
  • Each entrant to weigh only one fish for each category (ie. The fish will go towards the angler prize, boat prize and category prize) for sustainability reasons
  • Ladies prize for most fish weighed
  • Kids section for most fish weighed
  • Anglers must fish from a boat owned by a club member NB an entrant does not need to be a club member
  • Only fish taken by rod and by spearfishing will be accepted (no netting, longlining, etc)
  • Entries close at 9am on the day to allow those that prefer to see what the weather is before committing.

KP Marine have indicated they would be prepared to have ice at the clubrooms from before 7am on the competition day . 


  • Everyone on board must have a suitable life jacket.
  • There must be at least two forms of communication on board at all times, which are constantly on.
  • If the vessel is less than 6m long, communication devices must still work after being dropped in water.
  • Prohibited Anchorages: No person may anchor or moor any vessel within any prohibited anchorages, E.G. Cable Exclusion Zone.
  • Damage to Navigation Aids: No person may tie a vessel to any buoy, beacon or other device or structure erected as a navigation aid or warning.
  • Speed in Vessels: No person may propel a vessel (incl. a vessel towing a person or some object) at a proper speed exceeding 5 knots: Within 50 meters of another vessel; or Within 200 meters of shore.
  • Contestants agree to follow all rules and regulations from Ministry of Fisheries, Maritime New Zealand and the Department of Conservation.


  • It is the skipper’s responsibility to ensure they only take a vessel out in conditions that are appropriate to both the type of vessel and their skill level.

However if the organisers deem the weather and/or sea condition unsafe they will cancel any day of fishing. 


  • Purchase of an entry ticket signifies unconditional acceptance of these rules.
  • A breach of any rule will result in immediate disqualification
  • Committee decision as to any rule interpretation will be final.